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RMS Beauty | Quick Lips & Cheeks in a Small Container

RMS Beauty | Quick Lips & Cheeks in a Small Container

When I'm walking 10+ miles around a hot, sweaty city the last thing I want is anything extra weighing down my bag (which is already weighed down by books, sunscreen, emergency toiletries, you get it). My sister let me try her RMS Beauty Lip Shines while in Guatemala and I'm hooked.

You simply apply with your finger and you're good to go. For a longer wear and if you're in the convenience of your hotel you can layer and stain. I'm lazy and tend to just throw it on when I'm starting to get that sweaty, humid-hair, tired look. As a plus, you can use the same color on your cheeks for a bit of blush. I swear it can really turn me around in seconds! It's also compact, does fine in the heat and feels great on. It doesn't dry out your lips which is usually a problem for me when changing climates and during long air travel.

For my skin tone I use Content for a more raspberry stain and Sacred for something brighter. As a plus, RMS Beauty is one of the totally organic, non-toxic brands out there. All of their products are formulated with raw, food grade and organic ingredients. As you can see in the pic, so easy you can apply it while literally on the go. I bought mine at Sephora but they're available at a number of places online.

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